Reiki Healing & Sound Healing

Healing Sessions


Reiki Healing is an energy healing system that works with the Universal Live Energy that flows through all of us. Reiki will restore the balance of your energy giving you healing and whole wellness.

Sound Healing and Vibrational Therapy is a form of energy medicine. Each and every living thing on this planet carries a vibration and through this sacred art, we are able to deepen into more conscious states of awareness and balance and heal the pathways of the mind, body and soul. Sound Healing uses sacred instruments or voice to release energetic blockages inducing a state of ease and harmony in the whole body and nervous system, beginning to help heal you on your energetic, cellular level. We will use a combination of Tibetan Singing Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Gong, Chimes and Sacred Voice.

Combine Reiki + Sound Healing or Reiki Healing + Sound Therapy + Breathwork to help gain an integrated sense of awareness, relaxation, improved focus and boosted immunity. These combination sessions will assist you with processing of subconscious, unintegrated emotions, healing emotional pain and trauma and helping to develop a variety of valuable life skills. We will begin with an intuitive reading and body scan, discussing what you are experiencing on the physical, emotional and soul level. I will then use Reiki, Tibetan and Crystal Singing Bowls and other sacred healing tools to help rebalance and cleanse the whole chakra system.